Dear friends, buying the eBooks from the Reading Club of the Poets, you, besides reading poems, my and of the Marcelo Bernardo De Oliveira, helps in our fight against injustices. Whoever accompanies our work and trajectory, reads our posts, knows that Marcelo has been the victim for years of a persecution undertaken, unfortunately, by his relatives, who gathered people that neither I Marcelo, we would like and we would need to know the Existence. People which holding public office (involved in the inventory of Marcelo's father, who died in July 2000 / Case 0014271-09.2000.8.19.0002 (2000.002.013648-0 9th Civil Court Niterói / RJ.), Persons related to the union, dozens of Companies that occupy, rent, advertise publicly, including on the Net, collecting public resources, people investigated by the MPRJ for diversions and fraud in PETROBRAS Program, people who are to the auspices of relatives already disclosed and denounced by Marcelo and myself, with Evidences and proves. The commercial floor owned by Marcelo, part of the inheritance of the father, all brothers and mother/ executrix, already having from the beginning possession and usufruct of the goods and their inherited parts, Nevertheless, what remained for Marcelo, no. The property is in the name of Marcelo, who is prevented from accessing and taking ownership of what belongs to him, and have pay and pay, despite the evidence, and irreparable damages and losses pertaining to this persecution and theft, processes are expensive, slow, live in an eternal ping pong, always retreating and waiting for the holidays and recess, perhaps in the expectation that The threats that I and Marcelo we suffer from those who enjoy and occupy the property, come to fruition. The executrix already having from the beginning possession and usufruct of the goods and their inherited parts, and nevertheless, what remained for Marcelo besides no, but the all costs and bills to pay, yes.
The property is in The name of Marcelo, who is prevented from accessing and taking ownership of what belongs to him, have to pay for all, Despite the evidence, irreparable damages and losses pertaining to this persecution and theft. The processes are expensive, time-consuming and live in an eternal Ping pong, always retreating and waiting for the holidays and recess, perhaps in the expectation that the I and Marcelo, let's suffer more with the threats made them from those who occupy the property.
OAB, MP, CNJ, ALERJ, ALESP, TJRJ, NUR (several), etc., all received our denunciations, we explaining even what occurred with the denunciation of an innocent child in the I Tutelar Council of Niterói in July 2011, which was investigated only by The father (Marcelo), in spite of the meticulous details she said, (by his own voice and personally), the innocent child. The details, names and places were confirmed by her father, who have not seen her daughter since August 16, 2011, when she was taken from our house, the way everyone saw in the video already released by Marcelo.
The country (Brazil) was robbed, we know, we follow the news, we all suffer the consequences, but the whole people gathered, together with leaders and important professionals, representatives of various segments of the Society, the legislature and the judiciary, to defend the country.
Me and Marcelo, we fight alone, on this hard, unjust, arduous Battle. We have some relatives of mine (who also experience the reflections and persecutions for help us) and friends, in solidarity and also outraged and perplexed by the neglect and slowness.
However, we stand fight, legally, orderly and firmly, having to do what would not necessary or of our competence, if the the judiciary fulfill its role. Not because we are writers or special, but because we gather documents and we are right, we are Brazilian citizens as well, as anyone.
Yet we continue to write, produce art, promote culture, believe in God, and in the power of Truth and Good.
We have many projects, plans, dreams. We are together, despite the immoral and vile r the pursuit of criminals. People who gather in gang to steal, intimidate, threaten and corrupt. Understand, they will always find us together and fightning in a legal and firm way. Never in silence, never giving up being who we are.
Thank you to all who buy ours eBooks, those who enjoy, comment, share, pray, cheering for our work and for us.
May Our Lady, and her angels, bless you all and also protect our Brazil and its people, generous, wonderful and talented people.
The Brazilian people are good, resist and survive everything, always smiling, never allowing that divine light that exists within each of us, stop shining. That's how we are. Kisses. Gratitude
(Adriana Janaína Poeta)
Clube de Leitura dos Poetas / Reading of Poets Society
Carta Aberta
With Marcelo Bernardo and Eu & meu Pai
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