quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2016

Like the white moon 
shining on the beach, 
as the sun 
that illuminates and reaches all 
the truth is not 
one weak link,
the justice
overcomes the lie
and removes all doubt.
It is common, and even
human ,
try to subvert laws
and the logic,
in accordance with inclinations
and interests.
there is the blade
always sharp,
this wheel that rotates
and from which no one escapes.
Fate, fate, fate ...
Do not kid yourself,
our steps,
our acts,
every thought,
tear, smile,
have trace
and trail.
The time is so fast,
he walk three steps ahead.
Nothing can be hidden
Everything is revealed
every foul,
the life dont forget.
Fate, fate, fate ...
The Night and the Day
wear their best clothes,
stars and clouds,
turquoise and indigo ...
Fate, fate, fate ...
We are of the essence
of infinity,
light and truth,
fairness and balance,
are part of our molecules,
of our wandering soul.
Strong bond,
unbreakable bond,
no use trying to escape,
the light always reaches us
and is wonderful and perfect
so be it.
(Fate, fate, fate by © Adriana Janaína Poeta )
Clube de Leitura dos Poetas / Reading of Poets Society

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