quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2016

There are many myths about life,
this plot threads woven daily,
choices, tastes, memories,
affinities, abilities, inclinations...
But also the interlace 
with the paths of others.
As humans we have a natural tendency
to try to simplify and classify all.
Our world, the universe,
everything is still wrapped
in mystery.
Most of our certainties,
are assumptions,
are ramblings not yet fully proven.
What we learned yesterday,
today when we open the newspapers,
we found out that was wrong.
A new information that reveals
the mistake of someone.
Today, eggs are harmful to health,
tomorrow advise to eat a dozen! Yesterday, a prosperous businessman,
then the king of a castle of cards.
Truths, truths, truths ...
In seeking to label everything and set the roller coaster that is life and human psyche, are born the popular sayings. Over time, they saw truths and the prejudices arise, the stereotypes embedded in our society, often based on limited information about a particular subject.
A label that is propagated and ready
is always easier,
dont need think, just take.
The problem is that all pre-concepts
have emerged and continue to emerge,
are fathers of all conflicts,
misunderstandings and wars.
The prejudice against races
and ethnicities,
and genders against sexual
or religious choices,
in some places there is even prejudice
against nationality!
We forget that we are all human beings,
runs red blood within our veins,
regardless of skin color,
sexual preferences or religious,
nationality or gender.
We are human.
Whether men or women,
born in China or Brazil,
the slums or on asphalt,
field, mountain or city...
While we cling to labels,
we will be with our hands and feet tied.
The windows remain closed,
the doors remain locked.
Is not who we are,
this body with an expiration date,
but who we really are that matters.
This that will take with us.
If we are reasonable human beings,
and when I say this I do not say perfect,
just reasonable and consistent
with our thoughts and actions,
no matter if we are men or women,
this or that religion,
born here or there...
If we can not be people better,
human beings, preventing damage
and harm to our neighbor,
motivated by ambition,
interests or prejudice,
to favor one or the other even aware
that they are wrong,
what we are?
If we dont respect those
who depend on us or are defenseless,
whether children or animals,
the needy and the Nature,
what we are?
No matter who or where we are,
if we do not do what has to be done.
We must learn to escape
the labels whenever humans are involved.
We are complex beings.
Like the fingers of the hand,
we are all different,
no one is equal to anyone.
Only the sense of responsibility
with others and with what surrounds us,
because everything is connected,
can save mankind from itself.
This does not require anything
other than a clear mind
and a tranquil heart.
Of all the popular sayings,
there is one that says
"Bad things happen to bad people."
If we take at face value, all good people
who have suffered, were bad people.
And the list goes on,
Jesus Chist , Martin Luther King...
Life is a web,
not only the our threads,
but the threads woven by others,
all those we meet along the way,
entangled wires.
(Strands of the web by © Adriana Janaína Poeta)
Clube de Leitura dos Poetas / Reading of Poets Society

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