quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2016

The Kiss
By © Adriana Janaína Poeta

If the look is the first step
for the enchantment
kissing is the door for the seduction
the natural expression of affection and love.
Forgiveness, longing,
friendship, passion,
the infinite and the relief of the encounter,
everything is represented in the kiss.

Nobody forgets their first kiss
or the latter.
Love, this feeling ethereal,
want to materialize
and impregnate in everything,
wants to be hug and look,
poetry and art,
music and hope,
dares to be translated into a kiss!

I know of kisses of many colors,
eternal kisses that are printed in the flesh,
promises that were never realized
kisses that hurt in the remembrance.
Clube de Leitura dos Poetas / Reading of Poets Society

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